Why seek help?
Therapy offers an opportunity to explore issues in your life which are painful, difficult to make sense of or confusing. Sometimes we find ourselves stuck in familiar but destructive or restrictive patterns of behavior. We may struggle with personal relationships. We may find ourselves unable to move on from a painful experience or loss.
Therapy will not solve all your problems but it may help you to understand them better and perhaps live with them more effectively.
Therapy models:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
his approach looks at the thoughts and beliefs that we have about ourselves, others and the world around us. Clients with depression, anxiety and many other conditions make assumptions about events that may not always be valid and this can have a negative impact on their emotional wellbeing and lead to behaviours that are unhelpful.
Schema Focused Therapy
Many clients with long term problems such as chronic depression, anxiety and childhood trauma find themselves in destructive patterns of relationships without knowing why. Schema focused therapy explores core unmet childhood needs and the impact that these unmet needs have on current relationships and functioning. This is a longer term therapy approach using experiential methods of therapy.
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
This therapy uses 4 different approaches, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT is particularly helpful for clients with difficulty controlling their emotions and clients who engage in risky and self harming behaviours. Clients with personality disorder presentations with a background in adverse childhood events find this approach very helpful.